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Google Analytics 4 migration - let’s face it!
Google Analytics 4 migration - let’s face it!
Pratyusha Turlapati avatar
Written by Pratyusha Turlapati
Updated over a week ago

Universal Analytics (UA) is being replaced by Google Analytics 4, best known as GA4. This change offers new features and functionality, but it is important to make sure you are prepared to make the switch before July 1st 2023.

Google Analytics 4, it is not just a new interface, it has a new way of collecting data. GA4 collects data via an event-based model. Some metrics and dimensions have vanished, and new ones have been added.

The migration will require some work; we can’t deny that. Let’s face it as we will have to make the transition one day or another.

Benefits of creating your properties now

  1. You become familiar sooner with the new platform

  2. You can track both your web and app together or separately with the new data stream feature of GA4.

  3. Improved understanding of your audience with enhanced measurement based on events.

  4. Improved understanding of customer purchase journeys across platforms

  5. Create your GA4 properties now, and when the time comes to sunset, you will have reasonable minimum number of lifecycle data.

With the sunset date coming up soon, you may want to take full advantage of this benefits mentioned above and get started with the new goal tracking features in Google Analytics 4.

How to update to GA4 and create a new property

Making the switch from UA to GA4 doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s a pretty straightforward process. This guide takes you through all the steps needed to get started.

Comparative metrics between UA and GA4

Google Analytics 4 sticks to the same basic principles that made Universal Analytics so powerful: real-time user data on your site or app. Google Analytics 4 collects your data more accurately is an event-based data model where every activity performed by the user is considered an event.

It’ll be challenging to report the same metrics from Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4 in your reports/dashboards because of all the changes with metrics that are no longer being measured the same way. For example, goals are now replaced by conversion events, so, there won’t be a comparative metric.

Here is a list of popular metrics from UA , along with their corresponding availability in GA4.

Universal Analytics Metric

Alternative metric in Google Analytics 4

Recommendation / Comments


Active Users

New Users

New Users

% New Sessions


No replacement suggestion possible

Sessions Per User

Sessions per user

Goal Starts

Depends on GA4 events

Goal metrics will depend on how you set up your events in GA4

Goal Value

Total revenue

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Goal Completions


Cost per Goal Conversion

Depends on GA4 events

Goal metrics will depend on how you set up your events in GA4

Goal Abandons

Depends on GA4 events

Goal metrics will depend on how you set up your events in GA4

Goal Conversion Rate

Session conversion rate

Goal Abandonment Rate

Depends on GA4 events

Goal metrics will depend on how you set up your events in GA4

Page Load Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Page Load Sample


No replacement suggestion possible

Domain Lookup Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Page Download Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Redirection Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Server Connection Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Server Response Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Speed Metrics Sample


No replacement suggestion possible

DOM Interactive Time


No replacement suggestion possible

DOM Content Loaded Time


No replacement suggestion possible

DOM Latency Metrics Sample


No replacement suggestion possible

Avg. Page Load Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Avg. Domain Lookup Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Avg. Page Download Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Avg. Redirection Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Avg. Server Connection Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Avg. Server Response Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Avg. DOM Interactive Time


No replacement suggestion possible

Avg. DOM Content Loaded Time


No replacement suggestion possible





No replacement suggestion possible

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate

Total Session Duration

User engagement

Avg Session Duration

User engagement

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric



No replacement suggestion possible

Organic Searches


No replacement suggestion possible


Ads clicks


Ads impressions


Ads cost



Can be created as a calculated metric - ads cost*1000/ads impressions


Ads cost per click



Can be created as a calculated metric - ads clicks/ads impressions

Cost per Conversion

Cost per conversion

Cost per Transaction


Can be created as a calculated metric - total ad revenue /transactions

Revenue per Click


Can be created as a calculated metric - total ad revenue /ads clicks



No replacement suggestion possible


Return on ad spend



No replacement suggestion possible



No replacement suggestion possible

Page Value


No replacement suggestion possible



GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Entrance Rate


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Page Views


Page Views per Session

Views per session

Unique Page Views


The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Total Time on Page

Average session duration

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Avg Time on Page

Average session duration



GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Exit Rate


Not available with Google's API - only found in GA4 explorer

Results Page Views


The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Total Unique Searches


No replacement suggestion possible

Results Pageviews Per Search


No replacement suggestion possible

Sessions With Search


Depends on your GA4 event

% Sessions With Search


Depends on your GA4 event

Search Depth


Depends on your GA4 event

Average Search Depth


Depends on your GA4 event

Search Refinements


Depends on your GA4 event

% Search Refinements


Depends on your GA4 event

Time After Search


Depends on your GA4 event

Avg Time After Search


Depends on your GA4 event

Search Exits


Depends on your GA4 event

% Search Exits


Depends on your GA4 event

Site Search Goal Conversion Rate


Depends on your GA4 event

Per Search Goal Value

User conversion rate

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Screen Views


Unique Screen Views


The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Screen Views Per Session

Views per session

Time On Screen


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Avg Screen View Direction

Average session duration

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Total Events

Event count

Unique Events

Events per session

Event Value

Event value

Avg Event Value

Event value

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Sessions With Event


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Event/Session With Event


GA4 metric not available in Google's API



Transaction revenue

Total revenue

Total revenue

Transactions per Session


Revenue per Transaction


Transaction Revenue per Session


Transaction Shopping

Shipping amount


Tax amount

Total Transaction Revenue

Total revenue

Item Quantity

Item purchase quantity

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Unique Purchases

Item purchase quantity

Revenue per Item

Item revenue

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Item Revenue

Item revenue

Items per Purchase

Transactions per purchaser

Local Revenue


No replacement suggestion possible

Local Shipping


No replacement suggestion possible

Local Tax


No replacement suggestion possible

Local Product Revenue


No replacement suggestion possible

Buy-to-Detail Rate


No replacement suggestion possible

Cart-to-Detail Rate

Cart-to-view rate

Internal Promotion CTR


No replacement suggestion possible

Internal Promotion Clicks


No replacement suggestion possible

Internal Promotion Views


No replacement suggestion possible

Local Product Refund Amount


No replacement suggestion possible

Local Refund Amount


No replacement suggestion possible

Product Adds To Cart


Product Checkouts


Product Detail Views

Item list views

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this metric

Product List CTR

Item list click through rate

Product List Clicks

Item list clicks

Product List Views

Item list views

Product Refund Amount


No replacement suggestion possible

Product Refunds


No replacement suggestion possible

Product Removes From Cart


No replacement suggestion possible

Product Revenue Per Purchase


No replacement suggestion possible

Quantity Added To Cart

Items added to cart

Quantity Checked Out

Items checked out

Quantity Refunded


No replacement suggestion possible

Quantity Removed From Cart


No replacement suggestion possible

Refund Amount


No replacement suggestion possible

Revenue Per User


No replacement suggestion possible

Total Refunds


No replacement suggestion possible

Transactions Per User

Transactions per purchaser

Total Conversions


Total Conversion Value

Total Revenue

First Impression Conversions


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

First Impression Value


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Impression Assisted Conversions


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Impression Assisted Value


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Assisted Conversions


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Assisted Value


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

First Interaction Conversions


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

First Interaction Value


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Last Interaction Conversions


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Last Interaction Value


GA4 metric not available in Google's API

Here is a list of popular dimensions from UA , along with their corresponding availability in GA4.

Universal Analytics Dimensions

Alternative Dimension in Google Analytics 4

Recommendations / Comments

Time - Group By Daily

Time - Group by Daily

Time - Group By Weekly

Time - Group by Weekly

Time - Group By Weekly (Sun - Sat)


Time - Group By Day Of Week (Sun - Sat)


Time - Group By Day Of Month


Time - Group By Monthly

Time - Group by Monthly

Time - Group By Hourly


Time - Group By Yearly

Time - Group by Yearly

All Goals

Event name

With filter "is conversion event" equals yes

Goal Completion Location

Page path and screen class

The exact match does not exist but we recommend this dimension

User Type


No replacement suggestion possible

Count of Sessions


Days Since Last Session


Session Duration


Referral Path

Page referrer

No exact match but we recommend using this

Full Referrer

Page referrer


First user campaign


First user source


First user medium


First user source / medium


First user Google Ads keyword text

Ad Content

Session manual ad content

Social Network


Social Source Referral


All Google Ads Campaigns

Session Google Ads campaign

Select Google Ads Campaign(s)



Session Google Ads ad network type

No exact match but we recommend using this

Search Queries

Session Google Ads query

Ad Format

Ad format

Ad Groups

Google Ads ad group name



Browser Version


The exact match does not exist but we recommend this dimension

Operating System

Operating system

Operating System Version

Operating system with version

Mobile Device Branding

Device category

Mobile Device Model

Device model

Mobile Device Selector


Mobile Device Info


Mobile Device Marketing Name



Device model

No exact match but we recommend using this

Data Source




Sub Continent










Network Domain


Network Location


Flash Version


Java Support




Screen Colors


Source Property Display Name


Screen Resolution




Page Path

Page location

Page Path Level 1

Page location

No exact match but we recommend using this

Page Path Level 2

Page location

No exact match but we recommend using this

Page Path Level 3

Page location

No exact match but we recommend using this

Page Path Level 4

Page location

No exact match but we recommend using this

Page Title

Page title

Landing Pages

Landing page + query string

Second Pages


Exit Pages


No replacement is available in GA4

Previous Page Path

Page referrer

No exact match but we recommend using this

Page Depth


Site Search Status


Search Term


Refined Keyword


Site Search Category


Search Destination Page






Other Category


Affinity Category (reach)


No exact match but we recommend using this

In-Market Segment


No exact match but we recommend using this

App Name


App Version


Screen Name


Screen Depth


Landing Screen Name


Exit Screen Name


Event Category

Depends on your GA4 events & parameters

Event dimensions will depend on how you set up your GA4 events & parameters

Event Action

Depends on your GA4 events & parameters

Event dimensions will depend on how you set up your GA44 events & parameters

Event Label

Event name

Transaction ID



Item affiliation

Sessions To Transaction


Days To Transaction


Product SKU

Item variant

Product Name

Item name

Product Category

Item category

Checkout Options


Internal Promotion Creative


Internal Promotion ID


Internal Promotion Name


Internal Promotion Position


Order Coupon Code

Order coupon

Product Brand

Item brand

Product Category (Enhanced Ecommerce)


Product Coupon Code

Order coupon

Product List Name

Item name

Product List Position


Product Variant

Item variant

Channel Grouping

First user default channel group

Google Ads Ad Content

Session manual ad content

Google Ads Ad Group

Google Ads ad group name

Google Ads Ad Network Type

Session Google Ads ad network type

Google Ads Campaign

Google Ads campaign

Google Ads Destination URL

Full page URL

No exact match but we recommend using this

Google Ads Matched Search Query

Google Ads query

Google Ads Match Type


Google Ads Placement Domain

Session Google Ads ad network type

No exact match but we recommend using this

Product Category

Item category

No exact match but we recommend using this

Have any questions about UA / GA4 metrics or can’t find your GA4 metric in ReportGarden? Contact us at [email protected]

Best practices for creating GA4 report

You can find the complete list of these definitions on our help page dedicated to GA4 metrics and dimensions here.

Additionally, our team has created a template that will be useful if you create a new report with only GA4 data. This report will provide data on traffic overview, conversions, and a section for your transactions. You could as well create a report from scratch. It is best to keep the UA and GA4 data separately.

Important: You might be seeing errors saying we are unable to load the data for this account. It is because of the rate limits. To explain it in simple terms, Google have installed rate limits to prevent the system from crashing if ever too much data is being pulled in simultaneously. This rule applies for everyone using GA4 datasource. The only solution here is to be patient and try creating reports after couple of minutes.

To know more about this, check out the Google developer page on Limits and Quotas on API Requests.

Data in GA4 dashboard is not matching with ReportGarden

Follow the steps below to ensure that the right settings are selected

  • Make sure you are in the correct google analytics 4 account.

  • Ensure that the right date range is selected

  • Ensure that the right metrics are selected

  • Check for any filters

What will happen with my data after the sunset?

ReportGarden is actively monitoring the sunset of google analytics universal. At this time, it is said Google will stop data collection of UA properties by the 1st of July 2023. However, we will still be able to retrieve UA data 6 months after the sunset date. This means that ReportGarden will still be able to display UA data within your reports/dashboards until Google stops reporting it. Keep in mind that at any time, this can change on Google’s side. You can manually download data from every report if you need to save certain information beyond Google's 6-month data-retention grace period.

Here is a list of resources that may be helpful to you:

Have any questions about UA / GA4 metrics or can’t find your GA4 metric in ReportGarden? Contact us at [email protected]

Happy Reporting!
Team ReportGarden

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