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Google Ads FAQ

Google Ads FAQ for Reports and Dashboards

Kaushik Thommandra avatar
Written by Kaushik Thommandra
Updated over 9 months ago

Q: Can I get Custom Audience data into ReportGarden?

A: Google Ads API has limitations on data retrieval with respect to custom audiences. The API does not support retrieval of custom intent audiences

Q: Can I get Auction Insights data into ReportGarden?

A: Google Ads API does not support reporting on auction insights yet. If you want to track competitor rankings, we recommend you use our SEO feature

Q: Can I get Conversion Data into ReportGarden?

A: Yes. Any conversion(s) that you have configured in Google Ads are imported into ReportGarden. You can see them in the metrics tab. For every conversion, there are the corresponding

  • Converted Clicks

  • Conversion Value

  • Value / Click

  • All Conversions

  • All Conversion Value

  • Cost per Conversion

  • Cost per all Conversion

  • ROAS

  • Conversion Rate.

Q: I can't see my conversions in ReportGarden as metrics. What do I need to do?

A: Go to the sub account edit page. There, you will see an option at the top right to Fetch Custom Conversions. Click on that button, and wait for a few seconds to import the conversion metrics.

Go back to the reports page and refresh your report. You will see that the conversion metrics appear like any other metrics while creating/editing a new widget

Q: I have clicked on Fetch Custom Conversions but still can't see the metrics. What do I do?

A: Please check if the conversion created in Google Ads has at least one conversion against it's name. Conversions that do not have any recorded conversions are not pulled into ReportGarden.

Q: What kinds of ad preview does ReportGarden support?

A: ReportGarden supports

  • Text Ads

  • Expanded Text Ads

  • Responsive Search Ads

  • Display/Template Ads

  • Image Ads

  • Responsive Display Ads

  • Video Ads

  • Gmail/Discovery Ads

  • Performance-Max Ads

  • Dynamic Ads

  • Hotel Ads

  • Local Ads

  • Shopping Ads

  • Video Ads (with thumbnails)

Q: Does ReportGarden support Sitelinks and other extensions?

A: Yes. ReportGarden supports

  • SiteLink Extensions

  • Callout Extensions

  • Location Extensions

  • App Extensions

  • Call Extensions

  • Message Extensions

  • Structured Snippets Extensions

Q: Can I preview ads for discovery and performance-max campaigns in ReportGarden?

A: Ad previews for discovery and performance campaigns are currently not supported via Google Ads API. We are working on it to see if there is a deterministic way to show this data in ReportGarden.

Q: What is the difference between Clicks and Converted Clicks?

A: Clicks give the number of times your advertisement was clicked by users. Converted clicks are the number of clicks on your advertisement that resulted in a conversion within your chosen conversion window.

Q: What is the difference between Conversions and Converted Clicks?

A: Conversions are an action that's counted when someone interacts with your ad (for example, clicks a text ad or views a video ad) and then takes an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business, such as an online purchase or a newsletter signup. Converted Clicks is the number for clicks on your Google ad that resulted in a conversion in a particular conversion window.

Q: What is the difference between Conversions and AllConversions?

A: "All conversions" includes the data in your "Conversions" column plus conversion actions you’ve chosen not to include in your “Conversions” column. It also includes cross-device conversions, store visits, certain phone calls, and more.

Q. How can I pull data for multiple campaigns in ReportGarden?

A: You can create a Campaign Label in your Google ads account containing all the campaigns you need to pull data for in your report. You can then add a Campaign Label filter in ReportGarden and select the label you created in your Google ads account to get the data for these specific campaigns.

Q. Will my conversions appear in ReportGarden if they are not included in account level goals?

A: Due to API limitations we are unable to get account level goal information for google ads. But for our users to have more control over reporting, every conversion that is available in Google Ads is exposed as a metric, along with the following derived metrics

a) <Conversion Name> Conversions

b) <Conversion Name> All Conversions

c) <Conversion Name> Converted Clicks

d) <Conversion Name> ROAS

e) <Conversion Name> Conversion Value

Q. Can I pull caller phone number information from Google ads into Report Garden?

A: No, phone numbers cannot be pulled into the Reportgarden tool. It is a limitation from Google Ads, due to privacy issues.

Q. How can I get ad previews for Performance Max campaign ads?

A: Due to API limitation Ad previews are not available for Performance Max campaign ads. We'll be able to support previews once Google exposes it in their API.

Q. Why is Impression Percentage in ReportGarden different from Google Ads?

A: For Impression Share Metrics, Google Ads API does not provide us the total for the metrics. There maybe variation from the total value shown in the Google Ads UI vs the value shown in Reportgarden since Google Ads doesn't provide the exact formula to calculate the totals. We calculate the Impression share values for campaigns and compute the total as below.
SUM(impressions) / SUM(impressions / Impression Share)

Q. Why am I unable to see Dynamic Discovery campaigns for Google Ads?

A: Dynamic Discovery campaigns with subtype as Discovery Product team are currently not supported by the Google Ads API. We'll be able to fetch data for these campaigns once it is supported by the Google Ads API.

Q: Why can't I Preview Shopping Ads on Google Ads?

A: At present, obtaining a preview through the API is not possible. Unfortunately, we are unable to retrieve the preview at this time. We will have to wait until the Google Ads API supports this functionality before we can integrate it into our system. You can find more details regarding this matter in the following link -

Q. Why am I unable to see Demand Generation campaigns for Google Ads?

A: The Google Ads API currently does not support Demand Generation campaigns. We will be able to retrieve data for these campaigns as soon as they are supported by the Google Ads API.

Q. Why Youtube Network filters says deprecated?

A: Google recently discontinued 'YOUTUBE_SEARCH' and 'YOUTUBE_WATCH' filters for Network. These have now been integrated into a single filter called 'YouTube'.

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