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Apple Search Ads

Apple Search Ads Reports and Dashboards

Achou avatar
Written by Achou
Updated over a week ago

What is Apple Search Ads?

Apple Search Ads helps people discover your app when they. search on the. App Store, matching customers with your app. right when they're looking

How to connect your Apple Search Ads accounts with ReportGarden

Before connecting to Apple Search Ads, please make sure that you have the clientId, teamId, and keyId from the Apple Search Ads console.

In order to get the above parameters, please follow the steps below.

  1. From the Search Ads UI, choose Account Settings > API

  2. Paste the key into the Public Key field. If you do not have the key, please contact [email protected] and ask them to share the public key for Apple Search Ads, you will be receiving it within 24 hours.

  3. Click Save. A group of credentials displays as a code block above the public key field. Use your clientId, teamId, and keyId to create a client secret.

A sample of how clientId, teamId, and keyId will look is as follows

clientId SEARCHADS.aeb3ef5f-0c5a-4f2a-99c8-fca83f25a9
teamId SEARCHADS.hgw3ef3p-0w7a-8a2n-77c8-scv83f25a7
keyId a273d0d3-4d9e-458c-a173-0db8619ca7d7

In order to link your Apple Search Ads accounts to ReportGarden, please follow the steps below

Navigate to ReportGarden -> Accounts.

Click on Link Account

Click on Apple Search Ads

Enter the clientId, teamId, and keyId parameters in the fields shown below

Click on Submit.

You'll see that the new accounts are now available and ready for reporting

Apple Search Ads Metrics and Dimensions

You can find a comprehensive list of dimensions and metrics supported in Apple Search Ads reporting


The following dimensions are supported for Apple Search Ads




Time, group by daily, weekly and monthly


List of campaigns


The following dimensions are supported for Apple Search Ads




The number of times your ad appeared in App Store search results within the reporting time period.


The number of people that tapped on your ads


The total number of conversions from new downloads and redownloads resulting from an ad within the reporting period. Apple Search Ads installs are attributed within a 30-day tap-through window. Note that total installs may not match totals of LAT Off and LAT On installs, as additional downloads may come from customers using iOS 14 or later.

New Downloads

These represent app downloads from new users who have never before downloaded your app.

Re Downloads

Redownloads occur when a user downloads your app, deletes it, and downloads the same app again following a tap on an ad on the App Store, or downloads the same app on an additional device.

LAT On Installs

Downloads from users who are using iOS 13 or earlier and have enabled Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) on their device.

LAT Off Installs

Downloads from users who are using iOS 13 or earlier and have not enabled Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) on their device.


The tap-through rate (TTR) is the number of times your ad was tapped by customers divided by the total impressions your ad received.


Average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is total spend divided by the number of installs (downloads) received within a period.


Average cost-per-tap (CPT) is the average amount you’ve paid for a tap on your ad.


Average cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) is the average amount you pay per one thousand ad impressions on the App Store


The sum of the cost of each customer tap on your ad over the period of time set for your reporting.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate (CR) is the total number of installs received within a period divided by total number of taps within the same period.

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