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Criteo Marketing Solutions Reporting
Criteo Marketing Solutions Reporting

Criteo Marketing solutions for reports and dashboards

Achou avatar
Written by Achou
Updated over a week ago

What is Criteo Marketing Solution?

Criteo Marketing Solutions is the leading ad platform for the Open Internet. Performance and brand marketers leverage Criteo Marketing Solutions to:

  • Acquire new, high-value customers

  • Drive sales and engagement from existing customers

  • Increase customer loyalty

Criteo empowers marketers to acquire and create loyal customers through meaningful and scalable ad experiences. Omnichannel campaigns ensure marketers can reach customers across web, app, and store channels, with creatives adapted for the campaign goal and each user’s place in the consumer journey.

How do you link Criteo accounts ReportGarden?

Linking and importing new Criteo accounts to ReportGarden is done offline. Kindly email your requests to [email protected], and you will receive the steps to connect your accounts and import them into ReportGarden.

Criteo Attribution Windows

Attribution windows for Criteo data can be selected in the Basic tab.

A sale is attributed when your customer sees or clicks an ad and converts within a specified window of time. It could be post-click, post-view or your custom attribution. The lookback window is defined as the time between a sale and the view or click of an ad. It can be 30D, 7D, 1D, 24H.

If you are using a newly introduced lookback window (PC1D, PC7D), your request won’t return data prior to January 1st, 2020. The request will deliver a 0 for these metrics.

Criteo Analytics Metrics and Dimensions

Here is the list of metrics are available in ReportGarden for Criteo Reporting




The number of clicks driven by your ads


The number of ad impressions served on publishers via Criteo.

Viewed displays

The number of ads that have been viewed. A display is considered viewed if at least 50% of the ad appears on the screen for at least one second.

Unviewed displays

The number of ads that have not been viewed. A display that doesn't meet the viewed displays' criteria is considered unviewed

Untracked displays

This is the number of untracked displays. Some displays cannot be tracked because of the display environment (for instance, native banner)


Total money spent on Criteo advertising.

Qualified Visits

The number of users on the target website or app for which at least two events or one sale event occurred within the hour following a click.


The number of users on the target website or app for which at least one event occurred within the hour following a click.

Cost per Visit

The amount of money spent per visit to your website or app.

Bounce Rate

The proportion of website visitors leaving after only viewing one page.

Potential Displays

The number of display opportunities, or the number of bid requests received.

Win Rate

The number of displays divided by the total number of display opportunities.


The number of transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads.


The amount of money generated by online sales.

Exposed Users

The number of users who have been served an ad.


Potential users who could be served an ad.


Share of potential users who have been served an ad.

Average Cart

Average revenue generated by a conversion or sale.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

Percentage of users served an ad who clicked.

CVR (Conversion Rate)

Percentage of conversions or sales compared to the clicks that occurred.

COS (Cost of Sale)

Advertising cost per conversion or sale.

CPO (Cost perOrder)

The price you pay for each order. Calculated as total cost divided by the total number of orders.

CPC (Cost per Click)

Cost per click.

CPM (Cost per Mille)

Cost per 1000 Impressions.

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

The ratio between revenue generated and the cost.

Advertiser Value

The revenue generated by each product, considering margin (if provided in your product catalog).

COV (Cost of Advertiser Value)

The ratio between the advertiser value generated by sales and the cost of the campaign(s), given as a percentage.

Post-Install Sales

The number of your completed events after an app install.

App Installs

The number of installations of your app.

Post-Install CVR (Conversion Rate)

Percentage of post-install sales compared to the clicks that occurred.

Post-Install COS (Cost of Sale)

The cost of sale for app install campaigns.

Post-Install Order Value

The amount of money generated by sales after an app install.

Cost per Install

The ad cost per app install.

Install Rate

The percentage of completed app installs compared to the number of clicks.

Post-Install CPO (Cost per Order)

The cost per order for sales after an app install.

Post-Install ROAS

The return on ad spend for sales after an app install.

Omnichannel ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

The ratio between revenue generated online and offline, and the cost.

Omnichannel Revenue

The revenue generated by online and offline sales.

Omnichannel Sales

The number of online and offline transactions or conversions resulting from Criteo ads.

Store ROAS

The ratio between the revenue generated offline and the cost.

Store Sales

The number of completed in-store transactions or purchases.

Store Revenue

The amount of revenue generated by in-store sales.

Didn't find the metric you need? No worries. Write to [email protected] along with the snapshot of the requirement.

Data Freshness and reporting durations

  • Criteo Marketing Solutions is a live connector

  • The data might take 5 to 30 seconds to load, based on the account that is selected and the time range for which the data is fetched


Q: How do I import new accounts into ReportGarden once the account linking process is complete?

A: Please email [email protected] and your request will be processed

Q: My data is not matching with ReportGarden.

A: Ensure that

  • the right date range is selected

  • the right attribution window is selected. Choosing the wrong attribution window can lead to data mismatch

  • For sales related metrics, please check if you are looking at cross channel sales or not. You will find a toggle button to enable/disable cross channel sales in the basic tab

Q: Can I connect Criteo Retail Media accounts as well?

A: Criteo Retail Media is different from Criteo Marketing Solutions and is currently not supported with ReportGarden. If you wish to use Criteo Retail Media accounts, please contact [email protected]

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