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Yelp Reporting

Yelp Business Reporting

Rishika Chowdhury avatar
Written by Rishika Chowdhury
Updated over a week ago

What is Yelp?

In the digital age, online reviews play an integral role in shaping consumer decisions and business reputations. Among the plethora of review platforms, Yelp stands out as a pioneer, offering users a platform to share their experiences and opinions about local businesses. Yet, beyond its role as a mere review aggregator, Yelp offers a sophisticated reporting system that empowers both consumers and businesses alike.

How can you connect your Yelp account with ReportGarden?

Well it is pretty easy to connect your Yelp account to ReportGarden, you just need to follow the steps below, in order:

  1. Navigate to ReportGarden -> Accounts -> Link Account

Finally, enter your Yelp Business ID

How to get Yelp Business ID?
You can find the Yelp Business ID in the URL for the business page. The ID appears after in the address bar and is generally composed of the name and location of the business separated by dashes. For example, the ID in the following URL is "yelp-san-francisco":

Yelp Metrics and Dimensions

Yelp offers a wide variety of metrics and dimensions for reporting which are listed below:




Time - Group By Daily

Date - Group by daily

Time - Group By Weekly

Date - Group by weekly

Time - Group By Monthly

Date - Group by monthly




Program types

Device Type

Grouped by devices


Grouped by the type of interaction


The number of unfiltered reviews of your listing.




Total Page Views

Number of total page views on desktop and mobile devices.


Number of phone calls initiated from the Yelp business profile.

Directions And Map Views

Number of direction and map views from the Yelp business profile.

Url Clicks

Number of clicks to the business URL from the Yelp business profile.

Check Ins

Number of mobile check-ins from the Yelp business profile.

User Photos

Number of user generated photos added to the Yelp business profile.


Number of times a business has been bookmarked by users.

Desktop Cta Clicks

Number of Call-to-Action clicks on desktop devices.

Mobile Cta Clicks

Number of Call-to-Action clicks on mobile devices.

Messages To Business

Number of messages sent to a business, including messages sent through Request a Quote.

Desktop Search Appearances

Number of times a business listing appeared in search results on desktop devices.

Mobile Search Appearances

Number of times a business listing appeared in search results on mobile devices.

Desktop Page Views

Number of times the business page was accessed on desktop devices.

Mobile Page Views

Number of times the business page was accessed on mobile devices.

Tracking Calls

Number of calls tracked.

Deals Sold

Number of deals sold.

Online Orders

Number of online orders.

Online Bookings

Number of online bookings.

Check In Offer Redemptions

The number of users that redeemed a check in offer for your listing (if applicable).

Collection Item Added

The number of time your business was added to a collection other than the default bookmark collection.

Rapc Initiated

Number of times RaPC was initiated.

Waitlist Visit Created

Number of times someone got in line on the Yelp Waitlist.

Median Response Time In Sec

The median time it took for your business to answer messages.


The percentage of messages replied.

Organic Biz Page Views

The amount of organic page views of your listing, which were not occurring as a consequence of ad clicks and ad impressions.


Average Rating (1-5 star scale).


The number of unfiltered reviews of your listing.

Total Leads

Total no of leads (sums all Leads metrics).

Billed Impressions

Number of times an Ad is displayed and will be billed.

Billed Clicks

Number of times a user clicked on an advertisement for the business and visited its business page.

Ad Driven Bookmarks

Number of times a business has been bookmarked by users that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Ad Driven Calls

Number of phone calls initiated from the Yelp business profile that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Ad Driven Cta Clicks

Number of Call-to-Action clicks on desktop devices that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Ad Driven Check Ins

Number of mobile check-ins from the Yelp business profile that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Ad Driven Deals Sold

Number of deals sold that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Ad Driven Directions And Map Views

Number of direction and map views from the Yelp business profile that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Ad Driven Messages To Business

Number of messages sent to a business, including messages sent through Request a Quote that can be attributed to an Ad impression

Ad Driven User Photos

Number of user generated photos added to the Yelp business profile that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Ad Driven Online Reservations

Number of Yelp Reservations and Yelp Nowait bookings through Yelp that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Ad Driven Url Clicks

Number of clicks to the business URL from the Yelp business profile that can be attributed to an Ad impression.

Billable Ad Clicks

The number of times a user clicked on a search advertisement for your listing and came to its Yelp business page across all platforms.

Billable Ad Impressions

The number of times your listing was displayed in an advertisement.

Ad Driven Biz Page Views

Ad Driven Yelp page visits is a measure of how many times your Yelp page was accessed or viewed on the Yelp website, mobile website, and mobile apps after seeing or clicking on an ad. This amount of pages visits is calculated using our 30 days attribution logic for ad clicks and 1 day for ad impressions.

Ad Driven Calls Tracked

The number of calls made by Yelp users after seeing or clicking on your ad which were successfully answered by your business, when you're using Yelp's Call Reporting feature.

Ad Driven Rapc Initiated

Number of times RaPC was initiated.

Ad Driven Waitlist Visit Created

Number of times someone got in line on the Yelp Waitlist after seeing or clicking an ad.

Ad Driven Total Leads

Total number of ad driven leads (sums all AdDrivenLeads metrics).

Ad Driven Platform Purchase Made

Number of platform purchases that were to be fulfilled by third parties (GrubHub for food ordering, GoldStar for tickets etc.) and are attributed to an ad.


Cost of Ad when billed

Ad Driven Biz Page Views Percentage

It measures which percentage of biz page views didn't derive from ads.

Ad Click Through Rate

Ad CTR measures how well Yelp performs at getting users to click on your ads.

Average Cost Per Click

This metric measures, on average, the amount of cost per clicks that Yelp attributed to your Yelp business page for all clicks-based ad campaigns (if applicable).


Total number of clicks


Total number of searches

Page Views

Total number of page views


Total number of interactions

Review Text

The text in the reviews

Review Date

The date of the reviews

For any further questions please reach out to [email protected]

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