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Facebook Ads FAQ

Facebook Ads FAQ Reports and Dashboards

Kaushik Thommandra avatar
Written by Kaushik Thommandra
Updated over a year ago

Q: Can I fetch data from custom conversions and custom events that are configured in my Facebook Ads account?

A: Yes. ReportGarden treats any custom conversion pixel or custom event set in Facebook Ads just like any other metric. They will show up in the metrics list.

In case you don't see a custom event or custom conversion in the metric list, or if you have added a new custom event or custom conversion, go to the sub account edit page. There, you will see an option at the top right to Fetch Custom Conversions. Click on that button, and wait for a few seconds to import the conversion metrics.

Go back to the reports page and refresh your report. You will see that the conversion metrics appear like any other metrics while creating/editing a new widget

Q: How does attribution window work with Facebook Ads?

A: By default, all widgets have the default attribution window. It means that the data is aggregated at the ad group level, and it respects the attribution window that is set at each ad group.

So, for example, if one ad group has an attribution window of 1 day view and 7 day click and another ad group has an attribution window of 7 day view and 7 day view, it takes the respective attribution windows into account and aggregates the data for inline metrics.

Q: Can I choose a custom attribution window for Facebook Ads data?

A: Yes. If you go to the advanced tab, you can choose the option to select the attribution window accordingly.
Please note that since the iOS14 changes, a lot of attribution metrics are skewed and often come up as 0s. This is inline with the data that is being shown in Facebook Ads business manager.

Q: Why isn't the data in ad sets not matching up with the data in campaigns?

A: Since the iOS14 changes from facebook, there have been a few instances where the attributed metrics like add to cart, purchases, conversions, are showing different values in Facebook Business Manager as well. This is because of the changes related to iOS14, where the attribution is no longer deterministic. This happens especially in cases where there are different campaigns, with different ad groups having different attribution windows in the same campaign.

Attribution and attribution related metrics are best obtained through the ad set level, which is what ReportGarden defaults to wherever possible.

Q: Why isn't the data for Estimated Ad Recalls not populating/matching with the data in Facebook Ads?

A: In many cases, there would be a mismatch between the estimated ad recall rate and estimated ad recallers. API doesn't return the correct values all the time. According to the Facebook API, these metrics are still in "development" and are "estimates". ReportGarden has tried to derive those metrics. The calculation goes as "Estimated Ad Recallers" x 100 / Reach. But as everyone is aware, similar to reach, estimated ad recallers cannot be aggregated, which is why the discrepancy in the numbers is not fixable.

Also, please note that at the moment, this metric is only available for assets in the Brand awareness, Post engagement and Video views Objectives. This metric is estimated and in development.

Q: Why isn't the data for metrics like Purchases, Conversions, Leads, etc not showing up for dimensions like Age, Gender, Publisher Platform, etc?

A: Since the iOS14 changes from facebook, the API does not support collecting data for inline metrics (like purchases, leads, add to carts, etc) for the following dimensions/segments

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Publisher platform

  • Country

  • Region.

This behaviour is from facebook's limitation, and is currently not supported in business manager as well.

Q. Why is reach and frequency in ReportGarden different from Facebook Ads?

A: Reach and Frequency are non-aggregate metrics. Meaning, the total reach by campaigns/adsets would not match with the overall reach. This is because, by definition, Reach is the number of unique people that have seen this ad.

It can so happen that the ads in different ad sets (Adset 1 and Adset 2) can be seen by the same person, so the reach for Adset 1 and Adset 2 would be 1 each, but the reach for the campaign would also be 1 (since it is the same person that has viewed the ad).

When we are calculating the total row for such metrics, the only option for us is to add the reach metric in each row, since it would be impossible to determine otherwise. We try and get the summary from Facebook Ads for combinations and when filters are present, but there are limitations to these.

Also, when dealing with reach, the platforms themselves work on a sample and extrapolate the data. This is especially true for demographic data like age and gender. There would be minor discrepancies with respect to reach and frequency metrics.

Q. How do I get data for Instagram platform?

A: We support filters on Publisher Platform. Please navigate to the Filters section in the advanced tab and add Publisher Platform IN Instagram to view only data for Instagram

Q. Can I get Ad Previews in Instagram format instead of Facebook format?

A: Yes, you can get ad previews in Instagram Format. Go to the advanced tab, and select the Ad Format as INSTAGRAM_STANDARD

Q. Can I get demographic data by Publisher Platform? (Facebook/Instagram)

A: - Age/Gender + Publisher Platform is an invalid combination, and we cannot retrieve the data for such combination from Facebook, as Facebook does not store or provide such data.

This is largely due to how the data is stored and segmented in Facebook.

Even in Facebook's business manger UI, if you go to Reports -> Custom Reports and select the breakdown as Age, Publisher Platform is instantly disabled as a breakdown as it is not a valid combination.

Q. Can I get data for Deleted Facebook Campaigns?

A: No, due to API limitations we cannot pull data for Deleted campaigns. As a workaround, the campaign can be restored and paused to pull in the required data into reports.
While we are unable to retrieve data for deleted campaigns, you can still view the name of your deleted campaigns using filters by selecting Campaign Status as Deleted.

Q. How can I pull data for multiple campaigns in ReportGarden?

A: You can create a Campaign Label in your Facebook ads account containing all the campaigns you need to pull data for in your report. You can then add a Campaign Label filter in ReportGarden and select the label you created in your FB ads account to get the data for these specific campaigns.

Q. I'm unable to see all the ad sets for a particular ad?

A: This might be due to the filter being applied on the Ad set dimension, since Ad name filter does not work on that dimension, which is consistent with the Business Manager functionality. Please select Dimension as Ads to filter out ad sets with a particular ad.

Q. How do I group ads with different creatives as a single row and report on creative performance?

A: It is a very common use case that marketers often run into while reporting on Facebook Ads, as the same creative can be used in multiple adsets and campaigns, or as part of A/B tests, and you would want to report on the best performing creative.

ReportGarden introduced a new dimension called Ad name with Image that is available in the table and Ad Preview widgets, where it groups ads with the same name together for the statistics and shows the image.

If your facebook ads follow the naming convention where ads with the same creative have the same name across adsets and campaigns, this option works best to group the data based on ad name instead of ad ids

Q. How do I show the data for boosted posts if the same post is boosted at various points of time?

A: The same solution as above works, when you follow a naming convention for the ad names, where it has the same name if it is for the same boosted post.

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