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Hotfix Release

New metrics in Facebook Insights, Thumbnail ad previews and “Ad status” filter in Facebook Ads and more

Sam S avatar
Written by Sam S
Updated over a week ago

1. Introducing new metrics in Facebook Insights

Post Video Length
Length of a video post (in milliseconds).

Post Video Views
The number of times your video was organically viewed for 3 seconds or more.

Post Video Unique Views
The number of people who viewed at least 3 seconds of your video organically.

Post Auto-played Video Views
Number of times your video started automatically playing and people viewed it for more than 3 seconds.

Post Clicked To Play Video Views
Number of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it more than 3 seconds.

Post 10s Video Views
The number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post 10s Unique Video Views
Number of unique viewers who watched your video for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever happened first. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post 10s Autoplayed Video Views
Number of times your video started playing automatically and people viewed it for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever happened first. Returns 0 for reshared videos

Post 10s Clicked to Play Video Views
Number of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it for 10 seconds or to the end, whichever happened first. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post 10s Organic Video Views
Number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end (whichever happened first) without paid promotion. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post 10s Paid Video Views
Number of times your video was viewed for 10 seconds or viewed to the end (whichever happened first) with paid promotion. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post 10s Sound On Video Views
Number of times your video was viewed with sound on for 10 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever happened first. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post Sound on Video Views
Number of times your video was viewed with sound on for 3 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever happened first.

Post Video View Time
The total number of milliseconds your video was watched, including replays and views less than 3 seconds. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post Video Organic View Time
Total time (in milliseconds) video has been viewed without paid promotion. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post AutoPlayed Complete/30s Video Views
Number of times your video started automatically playing and people viewed it for 30 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post Clicked to Play Complete/30s Video Views
Number of times people clicked to play your video and viewed it for 30 seconds or to the end, whichever came first. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post Completed/30s Organic Video Views
Number of times your video was viewed for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, without a paid promotion. Returns 0 for reshared videos. 

Post Completed/30s Paid Video Views
Number of times your video was viewed for 30 seconds or viewed to the end, whichever came first, after a paid promotion. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

Post Completed/30s Video Views Unique
Total number of times your videos have been viewed for more than 30 seconds by unique users. Returns 0 for reshared videos.

2. Thumbnail ad previews in Facebook Ads 

Now, you can see the thumbnail previews by choosing “Thumbnail” in “Ad Format" in Facebook Ads.

How does it work?

  • Open Reports.

  • Choose “Facebook Ads” in data source.

  • Choose “Ads” in dimension.

  • Navigate to the advanced tab.

  • Choose “Thumbnail” in “Ad Format” drop-down.

  • You’ll still see the thumbnail of an image when unable to preview.


If the preview is not visible in the Facebook Business Manager account, we cannot show the thumbnail in ReportGarden.

3. Added “Ad status” filter in Facebook Ads

We have added “Ad Status” filter to the list of filters in Reports, Dashboards of Facebook Ads integration. 

You can see the data based on the status of an ad whether it is active, deleted, in review etc.

Where shall I see it?

  • Go to Reports.

  • Drag and drop a widget on to the report.

  • Choose Facebook Ads in data source.

  • Choose Ads in the Dimension.

  • Navigate to the advanced tab.

  • Click on Add Filter.

  • You’ll see Ad Status in the drop-down

 4. Switch to enable or disable embedded tweets in Twitter Ads and Twitter Analytics

We have introduced a switch in the advanced tab to enable or disable the embedded tweets in Twitter Ads and Twitter Analytics.

Where shall I see it?

  • Go to Reports.

  • Drag and drop a widget on to the report.

  • Choose Twitter Ads/Twitter Analytics in data source.

  • Choose Tweets in the Dimension.

  • Navigate to the Advanced Tab.

  • Notice Show embedded tweet switch. If you enable, you'll be able to see the embedded tweets.

Use Case

This feature helps to accommodate more tweets in the downloaded PDF report. Where as, in embedded tweet, you'll be able to see only two tweets in one page of a downloaded Report.

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