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Getting started with Keyword Rank Tracker
Getting started with Keyword Rank Tracker
Sam S avatar
Written by Sam S
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Keywords Rank Tracker! We have created this getting started guide to help you get the most out of your ReportGarden SEO Suite account.

This Keyword Rank Tracker for a domain is to check your keyword ranking or SEO ranking in the top search engines for specific keywords to determine what is working, and what needs more work.

Who is it for?

  • Website Owners

  • Marketing Agencies

  • SEO Specialists

How can you benefit from this tool?

  • Track keywords daily across Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu, GMaps and many such SERPs

  • View estimated search volume (via a graph) for your tracked keywords

  • Select a location all the way down to the zip code

  • View the daily ranking charts for a selected keyword

  • Export PDF, Excel reports for monthly, weekly, quarterly, *since added* date, and/or daily comparison reports

  • Compare rankings against your competitor(s)

  • Share a public URL with a client for their project

  • Exporting one domain or an entire account history in CSV format as part of a backup process

  • Produce white label Reports

When should this tool be used?

Tracking the ranks of keywords on your website: Keywords tracker will assist you in tracking the ranks of the keywords on the topmost SERPs.

Analyzing your competitors' keywords profile: This will assist you in analyzing the keyword profile of your competitor and compare keyword rankings with competitor’s sites.

Auditing a client’s keywords profile: If you’re an SEO agency and want to analyze the position of your client's domain in SERPs, and want to see the daily ranking of keywords in visually interactive graphs and charts, this tool helps you to see the keyword performance of multiple domains of multiple clients within no time.

Why should you use this tool?

Track Results by Country, City, or Postal Code

If your campaigns are targeting a given country, city, or zip code, you need more than basic rank tracking. We can track your domains in every country and language offered by Google, Yahoo!, Baidu, Yandex, and Bing.

City and zip code level tracking becomes more important as engines geo-target search results based on a searcher's locale. When adding domains to track, you can choose a city or zip code to find out how Google presents your site to searchers in each specific location.

Track Mobile Rankings

Track rankings as if you're searching for a desktop computer or mobile device. Easily add both desktop and mobile versions of your site and see side-by-side how they compare.

If you want to track local and mobile rankings together, ReportGarden can do that too. With all of our various tracking options you can get a complete understanding of how potential visitors experience a website when searching from their phone while in a specific zip or postal code.

To see the results from mobile, just move the toggle from desktop to mobile.

Track Your Competitors

Tracking your main competitors is critical to a successful SEO campaign. Add their domains and the same sets of keywords as your own domain. Since one keyword only counts as one keyword no matter how many domains you track it for in a given locale, there’s no reason not to keep an eye on the competition.

Once you've added competitors into the system, you get a side by side comparison of your rankings and theirs.

Schedule weekly or monthly Reporting

ReportGarden was created to save you time. Anyone who manually runs reports knows how tedious and time consuming it can be. Save yourself time by setting up automated data exports and send weekly or monthly ranking reports to your clients.

What does ReportGarden do?

ReportGarden offers numerous options for reporting on current rankings, changes in ranking, and historical rankings. Invite clients to log in, download PDF or Excel Reports, use our public link feature, white label Reports and many more!

Adding Domains

Click 'SEO' in the left sidebar navigation > Click New Domain button.

If your account is new or does not have any domains tracked yet, you will be presented with welcome screen upon login. If chosen SEO, you’ll see a new client page that allows to add your client and later you’ll see a box to add your first domain to be tracked.

You can select from over 250 country/language combinations and we will search Google, Yahoo!, and Bing in those locations and languages to acquire ranking data. If you are tracking the United States based sites, you can even elect to search within a city or zip code.


For those who already have at least one domain in their account, you can add additional domains by clicking the SEO in left sidebar navigation and “New Domain” button in the “Domains List Page.”

Adding Keywords

Once you’ve added a domain, you will be taken to the form to add keywords. On that page, you can enter as many keywords you want depending on your plan. You'll be charged based on the number of keyword units used (definition below).

What is a Keyword Unit?

  • In SEO Suite, a keyword unit is the product of the number of keywords and the number of search engines chosen.

  • Total no. of (Keyword Units) = no. of (Keywords) X no. of (Search Engines)

For example, consider a website which has ‘200 keywords’ and ‘10 search engines’. So, the unit pricing will be 200 X 10 = 2000 Keyword Units.


When you add keywords, it typically takes 60 minutes or less for ranking data to start showing but may take up to 24 hours for all keywords to be processed and populated. You can continue to add keywords and domains as needed and those will all be queued up for data.

Adding Competitors

Compare the performance of your competitors for the same keywords across different search engines. Just enter their website name, URL and see the results.


Understanding your SEO Dashboard

Your dashboard is a great way to get an overview of all the domains you’re tracking and how they’re performing on Google, Yahoo! and Bing. When viewing your dashboard, the small graph at the top of the page shows the average rank for all keywords being tracked in each domain as well as the average change in rank for that specific keyword set on each respective search engine.


How is this data useful? Your dashboard can tell you, at a glance, various information such as increases or decreases in average rank for keywords within a domain, how your website is doing on Google vs. other search engines, how you rank on average compared to your competitors (if they’ve been added to your account), and how your international sites rank.

Keywords Ranking

Open a domain > Click 'Overview' in the left sidebar navigation.

For a given keyword, the page in which your domain ranks in the results page of search engines is keyword ranking.

For example, consider the image below, the keyword position of the website, TribeLocal, which was found in the range of 11 to 100 pages is 2. As no keywords ranked in the range of 1-3 and 4-10, they are not shown in the circle.


Ranking Data

Open a domain > Click 'Keywords' in the left sidebar navigation.

When you are viewing the ranking data for keywords on each domain dashboard page, the black number is the highest rank we found for the keyword being tracked. To the right of the black rank, the result is one of three indicators, a “nill”, a green number or a red number. The “nill” means there was no change in rank from the previous day. The green number indicates a positive change in ranking. A red number indicates a drop in ranking.


Keywords Grouping

Open a domain > Click 'Overview' in the left sidebar navigation.

You can manage grouping related keywords together by clicking the checkbox to the left of each keyword that you want to group and then selecting the “Add to group” or “Remove from group” button that shows up to the left. If you choose to group keywords, they will be displayed together on the dashboard and you can see the average rank, local rank, rating, increased rankings, unchanged rankings, decreased rankings and you can also name these groups.


Filtering & Sorting

Open a domain > Click 'Overview' in the left sidebar navigation > Apply filters.

We’ve enabled numerous options for being able to sort, filter the keywords in the ‘Keywords page’ of a domain. Use the ‘Search’ bar to find a keyword. Use the refresh icon next to the ‘Add Keywords’ button to refresh your data. Sort by keywords which are going up, down, unchanged, in the range of 1-3, top 10. Filter by ‘Keyword Groups.’



Open a domain > Click 'Settings' in the left sidebar navigation.

Edit Website – In this setting, you can change the name of your website. You cannot change the website URL as the keyword ranking for that domain is already tracked. If you’d like to change the website, try creating another domain following the same procedure as shown above.


Manage Engines – This setting is domain wide and allows you to add or remove a search engine. Updating the search engines changes the keyword units correspondingly. If an engine is chosen Google, the performance of entered keyword in Google search engine will be shown.


Language Pack – Language pack is a simple way for you to translate your SEO Reports into the language of your choice. ReportGarden provides you with some default language packs. You can create your own language pack by modifying the existing language pack.


Visualize the performance of keywords in Reports

Click ‘Reporting’ in left sidebar navigation > Click ‘Reports’

Getting the performance of your keywords across search engines had done. So, now send this data to your client, making it visually appealing and intuitive using Reporting feature.

Reports - Visualize the performance of your keywords in line, bar, pie charts across the metrics like avg. position, current position, baseline position etc. and compare it with the past data. Export these Reports to either PDF or Excel, white label and send it to your clients.

Schedule Reports - Send daily, weekly, monthly reports on SEO just by scheduling them for a specific time and ReportGarden does your job. You could also set your delay time in hours.

Client Portal - Create private workspaces to securely share information with your clients to increase communication and efficiencies. A customer portal in ReportGarden is a secured, private gateway where you can share all the SEO dashboards and required SEO reports with your clients. Customize your workspaces with your logo and brand colors to give your business more polish and a professional look.


Team & Users

Click ‘Team’ in the user icon at right corner > Click ‘Invite team member.’

All ReportGarden accounts allow an unlimited number of users at no additional cost. This means you can give each of your team members their own account. When you’re on your “Team” page, click the “Invite team members” button on the right side to add new users to your team.

Our “Roles” functionality allows you to control which domains your users have access to. For example, if you want to restrict a team member to only accessing the domains of their own clients, you can create a role and assign that role to that team member.


You are good to go now:) Try creating a domain here.

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