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BrightLocal Reporting

Maximize Your Local SEO Strategy with BrightLocal

Astik Shrivastava avatar
Written by Astik Shrivastava
Updated over a week ago

What is BrightLocal?

As businesses increasingly focus on online visibility, having a robust local SEO strategy is essential for attracting customers. BrightLocal is here to empower you with the tools you need to enhance your local search presence effectively.

By leveraging BrightLocal’s comprehensive tools, you can elevate your local SEO strategy and drive more foot traffic to your business. Ready to get started? Explore our features and take your local marketing to the next level!

Maximize your marketing potential with the combined expertise of ReportGarden and BrightLocal. Together, we provide a comprehensive solution tailored to meet your marketing needs. Leverage the platform to gain targeted insights for your local SEO strategy, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive more traffic to your business. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your marketing efforts—get started today!

How do you link your BrightLocal account in ReportGarden?

Step 1: Generate the API Key from the BrightLocal Account Manager.

Step 2: Put the API Key in Reportgarden and you're good to go.

BrightLocal Metrics and Dimensions


The following dimensions are available for BrightLocal:




All citations of the location

Key Citation Status

Status of key citations of the location

Key Citation Error

Errors in key citations

Key Citations

All key citations for the location

Key Citation Value

Unknown/Low/Medium/High/Very High

Key Citation Type

General Directory/Unknown/Local Directory/Social

Key Citation Free/Paid Listing


Active Citation Status

Status of the active station

Active Citation Error

Errors in active citations

Active Citations

All active citations of the location

Active Citation Value

Unknown/Low/Medium/High/Very High

Active Citation Type

General Directory/Unknown/Local Directory/Social


keywords being tracked


reviews and comments obtained on the location

Review Directory

Directory in which the reviews are present

Review Rating

rating groups of the reviews

Review Grade

grades of the reviews

Review Type

types of reviews


The following metrics are available for BrightLocal




Indicates whether the citation or listing is free or paid for placement.

General Status

Current status of the citation, such as active, pending, or incorrect.

Citation Link

URL of the specific citation or directory listing.

No of Citations

Total number of citations for the business across platforms or directories.

Date Identified

The date when the citation or listing was first discovered or created.

Domain Authority

A score that reflects the strength and influence of the citation source website.

Citation Value

The overall value of a citation, considering factors like authority and relevance.

Type of Site

The category of the citation source, such as directory, niche site, or review site.


The web address linking directly to a citation or listing.

Google URL

Link to the business's Google search listing.

Google Rank

The position of the business in Google search results.

Google Local URL

URL linking to the business's listing in Google Local results.

Google Local Rank

Position of the business in Google Local search results.

Bing URL

The URL of the business's Bing search listing.

Bing Rank

Ranking position of the business in Bing search results.


Date associated with a specific citation, review, or listing update.


The name of the directory or platform where the citation is listed.

Source Link

The URL or reference to the source of the citation data.


Customer rating score, typically on a 1-5 scale, for the business.


The headline or subject line associated with a review or listing.


The name or identifier of the person who wrote a review.


The content of a review or listing description.


The URL linking to the source of a citation or review.


The platform or site where the citation or review was published.


A quality score or ranking for the citation or review.


The classification of the source, such as directory, citation, or review site.

No of Reviews

Total number of reviews a business has received on a platform.

Avg Rating

The average score derived from all customer reviews for the business on a platform.

Key Citation Score

A measure of how well the business is cited across key directories or sources.

Key Citations Found

Number of important citations identified for the business.

Key Citations Not Found

Number of expected key citations that are missing or unverified.

Correct Key Citations

Count of citations where the business information (NAP: Name, Address, Phone) is correct.

Key Citations with NAP Errors

Number of citations found with incorrect or inconsistent business information.

New Live Citations

Citations that were newly published and live in the recent reporting period.

Existing Live Citations

Citations that were already live and present before the current reporting period.

Total Live Citations

Total number of citations that are currently live for the business.

Avg Google Position

The average ranking of the business for relevant keywords on Google search.

Avg Local Google Position

The average ranking of the business for local searches on Google.

Avg Bing Position

The average ranking of the business for relevant keywords on Bing search.

% of Google Ranked

Percentage of tracked keywords that rank in Google search results.

% of Google Local Ranked

Percentage of keywords ranking in local Google search results.

% Bing Ranked

Percentage of tracked keywords ranking in Bing search results.

Keywords at Position 1

Number of keywords ranked at position 1 in search engines.

Keywords at Position 2-5

Number of keywords ranked between positions 2-5.

Keywords at Position 6-10

Number of keywords ranked between positions 6-10.

Keywords at Position 11-20

Number of keywords ranked between positions 11-20.

Keywords at Position 21-50

Number of keywords ranked between positions 21-50.

Keywords at Position 50+

Number of keywords ranked beyond position 50.

Avg Rating

The average customer rating score for the business.


Total number of customer reviews collected in the reporting period.

Total Reviews

Cumulative number of reviews collected for the business.

Date Identified

The date when the citation or listing was first identified.

Domain Authority

A measure of the quality and strength of the directory site or citation source.

Citation Value

The value assigned to a citation based on its authority and relevance.

Type of Site

The classification of the citation source, such as general directory, niche directory, etc.


Indicates whether the citation or directory listing is free or requires payment.

General Status

The current status of the citation (e.g., active, pending, incorrect).

Citation Link

URL of the specific citation or directory listing.

Google URL

URL of the business's listing in Google search results.

Google Rank

The ranking position of the business in Google search results.

Google Local URL

URL of the business's listing in Google Local search.

Google Local Rank

Ranking position in Google Local search.

Bing URL

URL of the business’s listing in Bing search results.

Bing Rank

Ranking position in Bing search results.


The date associated with a specific event, such as when a citation was updated.


The name of the directory where the business is listed.

Source Link

The URL or reference to the data source.


The customer rating score on a particular platform.


The title or subject line associated with a review or citation.


The name or identifier of the person who wrote a review.


The written content of a review.


The URL linking to a source or citation.


The platform or origin of the citation or review.


The overall quality or score of a citation or review.


The category or type of source (e.g., review, citation, directory).

No. of Reviews

Total number of reviews for the business on a specific platform.

Avg Rating

The average rating score calculated from all reviews on a platform.

No. of Citations

The total number of citations for the business in a directory or platform.

Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] for any queries.

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