Is TikTok Ads a live connector?
Yes, TikTok ads is a live connector
I am unable to link my TikTok ads account with ReportGarden
Check if all the pre-requisites for account linking have been meet. For details, check here
Follow the linking process again.
Reach out to [email protected] if the problem persists
My data is not matching with ReportGarden
Follow the steps below to ensure that the right settings are selected
Ensure that the right date range is selected
Ensure that the right metrics are selected
Check for any filters
Why can't I see Ad previews for some of the TikTok Ads?
There are 2 ways of creating Tiktok ads :
1. Promote/Boost an existing Tiktok post as an ad (Spark Ad). ReportGarden provides ad previews for these advertisements
2. Adding a video directly to an advertisement in business manager. For these type of advertisements if video information is not available in the API, the tool cannot generate ad previews.
Why can't I pull Events data from TikTok Ads?
This is a limitation from the TikTok ads API. Events data will be available from TikTok after the API upgrade to version 1.3 as informed by the TikTok team.