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Fonts in Reports
Pratyusha Turlapati avatar
Written by Pratyusha Turlapati
Updated over a year ago

We are thrilled to announce that our tool has added support for a wide range of fonts, making it even easier for you to create visually stunning reports and designs.

Our team has carefully curated a collection of fonts that range from traditional to modern styles, ensuring that you have access to the best possible options for your projects. You can now choose from a wide range of fonts to better suit your needs and preferences.

Here are the list of supported fonts.

  1. Roboto

  2. Open Sans

  3. Montserrat

  4. Lato

  5. Poppins

  6. Oswald

  7. Roboto Condensed

  8. Roboto Mono

  9. Source Sans Pro

  10. Raleway

  11. Inter

  12. Noto Sans

  13. Roboto Slab

  14. Ubuntu

  15. Nunito

  16. Merriweather

  17. Playfair Display

  18. Nunito Sans

  19. Quicksand

  20. PT Serif

  21. Mukta

  22. Lora

  23. Nanum Gothic

  24. Slabo 27 px

  25. PT Sans

  26. Rubik

  27. Cabin

  28. Heebo

  29. Barlow

  30. Archivo Narrow

  31. Asap

  32. Ropa Sans

  33. Karla

  34. Work Sans

  35. Chivo

Our goal is to continually improve our tool and provide our users with the best possible experience. We believe that this new feature is a valuable addition to our tool and will enable you to create even more impactful documents and designs. If you need any custom fonts, please let us know about it in our live chat or drop us an email to [email protected]

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